Since 1986 he has been deputy director of the London Metropolitan Archives (LMA). Previously, he worked at the Greater London Council, a local government institution covering what was known as Greater London, and at the University of Oxford in 1983 and 1984.
He has extensive experience in the direction and management of documentation and archive projects, among which of particular note are the “European Visual Archives” project, in relation to the recovery and digitisation of photographic and image collections; the Keats House Restoration Project, for the rehabilitation and documentary reorganisation of the former house of John Keats, one of the leading poets of English romanticism; the “City of London Heritage Gallery” project to make the documentary treasures from the London Metropolitan Archives available to the public; the reorganisation of the public rooms of the LMA and the reorganisation of the Guildhall Library. He has also directed or participated in diverse projects funded by the European Union, including EVA, EVAMP, SEPIA and EUAN.
In relation to the International Council of Archives, he was secretary of the Archive Buildings and Archive Equipment Section (ICA/CBQ) in 2000 and 2004; chairman of the Local, Municipal and Territorial Archives Section (ICA/SLMT) from 2012 until now; a member of the management of the Group of Experts on Archive Buildings and their Environment (ICA/EGABE) and a member of the Sports Archives Section (ICA/SPO).