Diputació de Girona
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Joan Soler Jiménez

Director of the Terrassa Historical Archives and President of the Catalonia Archivists - Document Managers Association

Joan Soler Jiménez

Joan Soler Jiménez (Terrassa, 1975) studied his degree in History (UAB), he holds a degree in Archiving, Diplomacy and Paleography (Scuola Vaticana di Paleografia ed Archivistica), a degree in Latin Studies (Università Pontificia Gregoriana) and a postgraduate degree in Digital Records Management (ESAGED). Currently, he is the Director of the Terrassa Historical Archives and since 2013, President of the Catalonia Archivists – Document Managers Association. He’s also a professor of Medieval, Modern, and Contemporary Diplomacy at the Escola d’Arxivística i Gestió Documental at the UAB (ESAGED). (@Diplomaticat; https://www.linkedin.com/in/joansolerjimenez/)


“Les 7 proves d’Hèrcules” o com dinamitzar els arxius d’esports jugant” ]The 7 Herculean feats or how to boost sports archives by playing]

Since 2014, at the Terrassa Archives we’ve been going through an archiving process with the fonds from sports organizations and looking at how to make them more popular with the public. Our experience began with the Sferic basketball club’s fonds, with the documentation of the photographs; then it continued when the fonds was promoted by sports photojournalist Joan Biarnés, with an exposition on sports, and it came to an conclusion, specifically, with the game “The 7 Herculean feats”, where, with the excuse of visiting the archives and doing family activities, the community was able to learn about the campaign “Making archives, playing sports”.