Diputació de Girona
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Fina Solà

President of the Sport Archives Section of the International Council of Archives (ICA/SPO).

Fina Solà

Archivist and historian, she also holds a master’s degree in business management from the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (ETSEIB); a master’s degree in document management, transparency and access to information from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB); a postgraduate degree in electronic document management from the UAB and training in ISO 30300/30301 document management system internal audits, also from the UAB.

She has been the Barcelona 92 Olympic Games archivist, the Barcelona City Council archivist, the archivist and document management officer for the Barcelona Provincial Government, and is currently the archivist-document manager for the Barcelona Maritime Museum.

She has been a member of the National Council of Archives, the National Commission for Access, Evaluation and Selection of Documentation, the Association of Archivists-Document Managers of Catalonia, the International Consultative Council of the Project for the Recovery of the Historical Archive of the National Police of Guatemala and Vice President of Archivists Without Borders.

She has carried out numerous archival processing and prospecting projects, among which we can highlight those of the Catalan associations in Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Rosario. She has also directed the organisation of the Vic Athletic Club collection and has been a tutor of several master’s degree projects at the Higher School of Archiving and Document Management (ESAGED) linked to sports archives.

She has taken part in specialist conferences and has published in different media, mainly in connection with two lines of research: sports archives and document management in the setting of the electronic administration. Among the first we can cite:

“The sports archives: of the International Section of Sports Archives in the Documentary Collection of the Vic Athletic Club”. “The race for the organisation of sports archives”, in Lligall magazine.

“The Olympic Archives of Barcelona’92: the examples of COOB’92 and Holding Olímpic S.A. (HOLSA)”. Proceedings of the Tenth Scientific Congress of Paris (1997).

“Improving conditions for sports archives”, in Comma magazine, published in Paris by the ICA (2011).

“The archives of the Barcelona’92 Olympic Games”, in Comma magazine (2011).


Presentation of the “Guia de suport als arxius de les entitats i federacions esportives de Catalunya” [Support guide for the archives of sports organizations and federations in Catalonia]

The Guia de suport als arxius de les entitats i federacions esportives de Catalunya is designed to be a support tool for sports clubs and federations so that the document collections in this sector receive a basic initial processing that is as complete as possible by the staff responsible for this work or who take an active role in their organization and management. By doing this, they can avoid losing documents and/or information, considering the majority of these organizations are small or medium-sized and non-profit. By no means is this protocol a substitute for the work done by a professional archivist. In other words, this guide is intended to be a reference for professionals and sports entities that allows them to outline a coordinated process for processing documentary archives, to ensure their conservation and to provide them with the basic steps for managing collections of documents and records.